It's autumn, the season of falling leaves and uncertain weather that heralds the return of the cold. The big question of the season: "What to wear? "Should you keep your summer clothes or take out your winter ones? Should you stay in moccasins or dust off your boots? To help you, we have decided to make a selection of our best pairs to get you through the autumn in complete serenity.

Zach model

For the richelieu lovers (oxford shoes), we have selected our Zach model. In black, burgundy or brown suede, it is perfectly suited to this season, particularly thanks to its rubber sole. As soon as you put them on, you can use them and they will withstand the usual autumn weather, provided you wax them or waterproof them with a spray for the suede version. This richelieu offers the most comfortable footwear and the most refined elegance, accentuated by its floral toe and its stitching. How to match it with your clothes? A blue or grey suit, your chinos or jeans will be the ideal combination for this pair.

Richelieu Finsbury Zach Daim Marron

Curtis model

If you prefer derbies, we recommend the Curtis model in black or brown. This classic Goodyear shoe, commonly known as a "chasse", has the particularity of being shown on the same sole as our timeless Consul Gomme. If you have a strong instep or a wide foot, this model is for you. Sturdiness, comfort and elegance are the key words of this model. It will go very well with your dark suits as well as your weekend chinos.

Curtis Marron Finsbury Derby

Chelsea model

The time has come for ankle boots! The Chelsea, the elasticated boot, is a must-have for every wardrobe. Black, brown suede or Antique Brown (Chelsea Walnut ?), whatever your style you will find a boot to suit you. Our Chelsea model has an inlaid gum sole that will prevent any accident. Ideal to spend the autumn and even the winter comfortably and warmly. All-purpose, the boot is quite easy to wear but will be sublimated with light blue jeans..

Bottines Finsbury Chelsea Noir

Julian model

With its sober and harmonious lines, the Julian sneaker is a model that combines walking comfort with a modern and elegant look. A basic pair of sneakers? Not quite, because its handmade patinas make each pair unique and ideal for standing out. So get out your best chinos and jeans because the Julian will make you fall in love.

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