What if this year you found the perfect gift? We've put together a selection of gifts for all tastes: weekly, belts, small leather goods ....


A beautiful belt is obviously an essential for all men. It is the accessory that will allow you to "finish" your look. A simple rule: the color of the belt must be adapted to the color of the shoes.

Find our different belts in leather, suede or braided and choose the one that will be perfect for your gift.



Our weekly socks are composed of 7 socks of which YOU choose the colors! Black, Blue, Green, Grey or Brown, different colors are available so you can choose the ones you want to offer!


 Our socks


Card holder, wallet or card case, good idea! Here is a gift, again in leather, that is both useful and elegant! All you have to do is choose the color and the model.




Our wooden shoe care set includes 2 anti-stain waterproofing products, 2 wooden and horsehair shoe brushes, a wooden and brass brush for the care of suede calfskin, 3 shoe polish creams (burgundy, black, colorless), 2 beeswax polishes (medium brown, dark brown), a cleansing milk, a chamois for shining leather and a horn shoehorn. This box will allow the user to maintain his shoes directly from home with all the necessary products.





Made of raw cedar wood in order to obtain a total absorption of humidity for a perfect hygiene, our shoe trees, often called shoe hangers, allow to maintain the leather of your shoes and to absorb the humidity, which will guarantee a very good quality shoe.


So which gift will you choose?

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