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How to care for your shoes during winter ?
During winter, your shoes are put to the test: rain, hail, snow, salt on the roads and pavements and the cold. During this period, your leather is exposed and can quickly become damaged if you are not careful. That's why your favourite shoes deserve special attention. Find out how to care for your shoes during this period.
The first thing to do to care for your shoes during the cold months is to insert shoe trees into your shoes after wearing them. The importance of shoe trees cannot be overemphasized in order to keep your shoes in good condition for as long as possible. This will keep your shoes in shape and allow them to dry properly. Be sure to dry your shoes naturally; avoid leaving them too close to a heat source (fireplace or radiator). You should also respect the natural cycle of the leather by alternating wear. Never wear a pair of shoes two days in a row. Opt for raw wood shoe trees that will evacuate the humidity inside the shoe as opposed to plastic shoe trees.
Then there is the care of the shoes. When the shoes are thoroughly dry, clean them with a soft cloth before applying nourishing creams adapted to the leather. In winter, leather is particularly vulnerable to sudden changes in its environment. You should therefore make a special effort to maintain and nourish the leather. Next, you should polish your shoes. Shoe polish forms a protective layer that is essential for the preservation of your shoes.
Finally, if you have leather soles, we advise you to have a rubber pad fitted to prevent slipping and to waterproof your soles. If you don't want to put on rubber pads, apply grease to your soles and seams to protect them. In really wintry weather, opt for rubber soles. In winter, rubber soles provide better insulation against cold and rain and allow you to walk with confidence on slippery pavements. In addition, rubber soles are lightweight, shock-absorbing and comfortable.
Une ceinture pour chaque tenue : L'élégance à la Finsbury
Dans le monde de la mode, les ceintures sont devenues bien plus que de simples accessoires, elles se distinguent par leur qualité artisanale et leur design raffiné. Finsbury est rapidement devenue célèbre pour ses chaussures en cuir de haute qualité,......
Finsbury place son savoir faire au service de l’élégance féminine
Petite promenade improvisée dans Paris un jour ensoleillé d’hiver, à quelques pas du Jardin du Luxembourg, vous flânez rue de Rennes pour faire une halte au 121. Une façade lumineuse et des silhouettes de souliers féminins derrière des vitrines se dessinent devant vous. Vous n’avez plus......
Grandes occasions : Découvrez notre sélection
Les grandes occasions de la vie nécessitent une tenue impeccable de la tête aux pieds, et les chaussures ne font pas exception. Que ce soit pour un mariage, un baptême, une remise de diplôme ou toute autre occasion spéciale, il est important de choisir une paire de chaussures qui sublimera......