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How to choose your socks ?
This is a question we often hear in our stores or from our customers and on social networks.
In theory, in men's fashion, it's recommended to match the color of socks with the color of his pants or shoes.
This allows you to remain sober, chic and dressed.
But there are other alternatives!
In a formal environment or on an special occasion like a wedding, and if you don't want to take some risks, we recommend you to opt for simple and classic agreements with a suit:
Navy blue suit / navy socks / black or brown shoes
Grey suit / grey socks / black or brown shoes
Brown suit / attention surprise ... Brown socks / brown shoes!
Black suit / black socks : black shoes
Loafer College 1986 Black with black socks
Depending on your personality and your ability to manage colors, you can try more original combinations by wearing a pair of socks or knee-highs in red / green / or other solid colors. Finsbury Shoes offers about twenty of them.
For example:
-Navy blue suit / burgundy blue or red socks / black or brown shoes
-Grey suit / dark green or red socks / black or brown shoes
Here are a few examples that may inspire you for your next looks :
Double buckle CAMBRIDGE Gold with blue socks & Oxford shoes GIULIA Black with red socks
With pants and a casual jacket, you can follow the same rule as for your suit, that is to say, match your socks with your pants.
However, here too you can afford to be a little fancy.
You'll have more freedom to choose original socks, with patterns or colors.
But be careful to stay a minimum of sobriety to not turn ridiculous.
Sneaker TOM white with blue socks
That's why you should always pay attention to the color scheme:
-Avoid the total look scarf-belt-socks-laces of the same color.
-Keep the black pants but opt for plain or patterned charcoal gray socks.
-Avoid wearing red and green together, it denotes.
-The sky blue goes very well with the white of a pair of sneakers as well as the burgundy.
Une ceinture pour chaque tenue : L'élégance à la Finsbury
Dans le monde de la mode, les ceintures sont devenues bien plus que de simples accessoires, elles se distinguent par leur qualité artisanale et leur design raffiné. Finsbury est rapidement devenue célèbre pour ses chaussures en cuir de haute qualité,......
Finsbury place son savoir faire au service de l’élégance féminine
Petite promenade improvisée dans Paris un jour ensoleillé d’hiver, à quelques pas du Jardin du Luxembourg, vous flânez rue de Rennes pour faire une halte au 121. Une façade lumineuse et des silhouettes de souliers féminins derrière des vitrines se dessinent devant vous. Vous n’avez plus......
Grandes occasions : Découvrez notre sélection
Les grandes occasions de la vie nécessitent une tenue impeccable de la tête aux pieds, et les chaussures ne font pas exception. Que ce soit pour un mariage, un baptême, une remise de diplôme ou toute autre occasion spéciale, il est important de choisir une paire de chaussures qui sublimera......