New at Finsbury! We are launching our first ever recycled collection with the new Greenwood model. Available in 2 colors, black and navy blue, and made with sustainable materials, the Greenwood is a great addition to our Casual line that stands out for its comfort and chic look.

What is our project?

Aware that we operate in an industry that can be polluting, at Finsbury we have the will to position ourselves as an actor contributing to the reduction of these environmental problems. Indeed, from this desire was born our shoe repair service that allows us to repair our products rather than throw them away. The Greenwood collection is in line with this approach.


Our commitments:

At Finsbury, all our soles are manufactured in our European factories and are constantly improved to obtain a perfect quality while respecting environmental standards.

Our factories are all located in Europe within a perimeter of approximately 1300 to 1800 km from our warehouses

To continue our efforts, our boxes in which our shoes are carefully packed have been designed exclusively with recycled cardboard. Our goal is to avoid waste as much as possible.

Through these different steps, we are always looking to be in an eco-responsible approach whether it is in the design of our products or in our workshops, stores or within the head office.

Everything you need to know about Greenwood:

Perfectly eco-responsible, the Greenwood was designed with a very specific objective: respect for the environment. With a gum sole and 100% recyclable vegan materials, made of 80% recycled materials, the Greenwood is perfectly in line with the interest we have in environmental well-being.


How to wear Greenwood?

In addition to all its ecological qualities, our green sneaker is easily wearable. Whether it's with rolled-up jeans or a well-tailored chino, it's hard to go wrong with the Greenwood for a casual look.

How to care for it?

On a daily basis, start by waterproofing the outside of your sneakers before you wear them for the first time after purchase. The product will protect the leather from rain and also prevent stains from setting in. Repeat regularly to keep the product working over time.

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